The "spider" Pixelfiend sent came in real quick! (Thank you! :))
I now have the panels drawn on it. It's off alittle by maybe a hair but, it doesn't need to be THAT perfect. And I don't think anyone'll notice either.
It may be off because some of the waves that were in the dome when I got it are still in there. Couldn't sand it all out. :(
And it turns out I had just enough Easy-Tack to get the "spider" print to stay on.
First, I had to spray the easy-tack on there to keep it from comming off of the extra styrene I had.
Then, I had to cut it out.
And after that, sand off the incorrect lines I had on the dome.
Then finally, put the spider on top, tape it down, and draw the lines on.
And I thought I wasn't going to get anything done today. HA!
(Picture of "spider" taped on the dome in the 1st pic, and picture of the guide lines drawn on in 2nd pic.)