Well, it seems we've run into a few screw ups from when I was cutting out the skins.
The first one is this:

When I was cutting the skins I did not know that I wasn't supposed to cut those square holes out you see in the picture above. *facepalm* (clone wars droids do not have these side vents)
Also, I almost forgot about the back vent so we had to cut out the hole for the vent and adjust the frame the hard way.
Here is a picture of the hole fixed.
Still got some bodywork to do on it, but once it's done and painted you won't even notice it. ;)
You can see the finished pocket vent in this pic.

And... WTF I don't even know how this happened.

Where the dataport is, I seem to have cut the inner skin wrong. So I will have to trim it down to be the same size as the outer.
Moral of the story: Study, study, study the reference pictures before you decide to do anything! And pay attention to what you're cutting when cutting out skins.