And we mananged to get a few things done on Goldie. ;)
As you can see in the first picture, we finally got the holes cut out for the logics which took the combination of a dremel and hack saw and LOTS of sanding with a metal file my dad likes to call Mr. Bastard. lol
Also you can see in the pictures the thin ring around the dome is taped on temporarly until I can get it glued on.
My dad and me also got the dome permanantly glued onto the dome ring and got it and the bearing mounted onto the body. So now his head can move... just not by itself of course.

In this picture below, I got the back panels cut out, sanded, and glued on.

Annnd in this picture I got more body work done to make the area we patched up un-noticeable. Still got alittle more to do on it though.

Last but not least, our resin parts came in!
This is the before and after picture of the vent surrounds. We had to shorten the vents some because the Clone Wars droids have smaller vents.
The first one is the one we shortened and the second one is the one we didn't cut yet.

The logic surrounds.

More to come soon!