Sunday, June 6, 2010

Leg is skinned!

Well, here it is! The fully styrene CloneWars leg is now completed.
I here by dub these the Calvin CW Styrene Legs! lol Or maybe we could call them the C&C (Calvin&Crissy) styrene legs.
All it needs now is some putty work here and there, the little details that go on it, and some paint.
If anyone wants to know the measurements or has any question about building the legs, just ask. We need more CloneWars droids!

We're on to building the next one! This time I get to do most of it now that we know how to build the legs. I get to start cutting them out tomorrow. :)


Jessica said...

OMG! You could hurt some one with those things!

Christina Thomas said...

They're heavy enough! LOL

The life of thomas said...

Those look AWESOME!!!!

Christina Thomas said...

Thanks! Dad did a good job.